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NEWS 2023

MISAF 2023 will present the new digital platform “Future Craftsman”, a revolutionary method of inventing the fashion which allows young designers and startups, but also brands and manufacturers, to shape their own footwear model in a very short time and with highly reduced costs.

Unlike the traditional chain of footwear industry, in which the move from design to modeling, until the manufacturing of the product, represents a long development cycle with high investment costs, Future Craftsman manages to reinvent the industrial chainby using internet and 3D technology to allow designers and brands to realize the entire process of production, from the design to the product order, at lower costs and in a shorter time.

An absolute innovation in the field of footwear manufacturing, that manages not only to shorten time and costs, but also to integrate, in the same platform, all the figures involved in the realization process. The users of Future Craftsman can indeed be designers, modelists, and texture, materials, and accessories suppliers, brands, retailers, and footwear manufacturers. MISAF 2023 will be a unique opportunity to meet this incredible technology.

visual misaf 2023